The time has really gone by past the last 10 months. We ended up taking in another dog, so Aragorn now has a big sister. her name is Luna, and she is one and a half years older than Aragorn is. It’s been fun to see her transition into our family, and it looks like she has found her place with us. Aragorn was very exited to get a sister, Luna wasn’t as exited to get a baby brother, but it seem like he has grown on her.
The decition to take her in hapened fast, and at first we just borowed her to see if she and Aragorn would go together. It didn’t take long until we saw she was here to stay and that she had found her forever home. We love having her her, and are so glad to have her as part of her family. So the last year the time have gone by while Luna have seteled in with us, and Aragorn have grown.